Thursday, September 21, 2006


~pronounced si'juhl, n. a sign or image considered magical

This is the third sigil I've constructed in recent months, and as I've come to expect, the universe responded promptly with gratifying results.

I build sigils for the purpose of solidifying intention. All wishcrafting, whether you call it prayer or manifestation or co-creation or majick, is basically telling the universe in no uncertain terms that you desire a particular outcome.

I used to build primarily with stones, especially crystals for their particular colors and properties. Now, though, I find it easy to build a sigil with almost any material. Here, as you can see, I've used canvases, paints, and brushes. The purpose of this creation was to increase the flow of canvas through my life. I intend to buy more canvas, paint more, complete more art, show more often, and sell more work. Which will, of course, make it possible for me to buy more canvas!

Sigil building is like any good manifesting project, and certain things are required for success. First, I find I must be very clear about my intention. Second, I need to be sure that my motivation is positive and designed to support more than just my own well being. A fuzzy vision, or selfish or limiting motives will generally render the sigil ineffective.

The building of the pattern itself is best accomplished in a near meditative state. Activation of the brain on both sides, being in low beta or actual alpha state, brings a balance of conscious thought and attunement to the broader realms of intuition and Spirit. I won't even try to build it if I feel agitated or upset about anything. And finally, I need to be willing to follow the pattern as it expands outward, without having preconceived notions about how it's supposed to happen. In other words, I need to let go of controlling it, and allow it to unfold in whatever magical sideways manner it will!

And indeed, that's what happened for me on this one. I built it last Friday. I had no sooner finished when I noticed I had a new email. My friend Jamye had sent me the name of a local man who hosts temporary art displays, and she had sent him my email and website. Fast, that was! I later added a bunch of cash to the pattern, placing bills of every denomination under the brushes. One way of putting my money where my mouth is... I took it down on Saturday evening. For me, I like to have them in place anywhere from a day to a week, because the longer they sit, the stronger an impression they leave.

Yesterday, I followed my guidance and went to an open circle at the Spiritualist Church in Austin. Such a great group of people! If you're looking for a very whole minded community, this might be it. You can check out their schedule at Anyway, before I went, I realized that I wanted to wear a sarong over my thin top. Partly for modesty, and partly because they seem so happy about air conditioning there, and I didn't want to shiver in meditation. So I stopped by New Age Books. I'm sorting through the selection, and I overhear the word labyrinth from a conversation at the register.

I join in and find that this woman wants to build a labyrinth in her yard, and she's looking for guidance about how to proceed. So, that's my cue- I tell her that I design and build them. In the end, she takes a card for herself, and extras to give to friends, and the woman behind the register sends me to the back of the store to hang some on the bulletin board. All because I listened to my intuition and went not only to Austin for the open circle, but to buy a sarong to feel more comfortable and therefore more present in the moment.

The meditation was great, and we put focus on generating peace and harmony across the globe. There were people I knew and people I didn't. Afterward, I paused to chat with some people, and one of the women I hadn't met before is a fellow shaman, complete with the scar where lightning struck her. And when I told her I'm from Dripping Springs, she casually replied- "Oh cool! I'm helping a friend set up an art show out there." Back to the truck I ran for more cards. Hooray!

I'm still almost giddy with joy, as I write this. Tired from staying up late, a little overwhelmed with being a mom and an educator and an arist, but at base, very happy. We live in a truly abundant reality. There's a wonderful quote I found on a Seek to Know article, and it sums up the falsehood of scarcity quite well-

"Given the resources on Earth, every man, woman, and child should be a millionaire many times over" - Buckminster Fuller

We will know no peace until there is equity and justice. We can only create equity and justice by letting go of our greed and fear. Go build a sigil for yourself, let your intention sprout into the world, let your vision find others of like mind. Call me if you like, or drop me an email and I'll help you with it. The universe wants you to be happy~ it wants all of us to be happy! All you have to do is ask from the heart and let it happen.


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