Saturday, June 02, 2007

Universal Love

So, there I was, trading massage with two wonderful friends. You know, the usual....

(Record scratching sound....) o.O

No, really, I was trading massage. And it wasn't unusual at all. I'm so not normal anymore! Thanks to all faces of the Divine for that!

By the way, find two friends you can trust. Gather the three of you and a massage table. Take turns receiving and giving four hands massage. Go, now, make arrangements. This blog is soooo unimportant in comparison!

Hey, welcome back. I hope you enjoyed, or will soon enjoy, your massage experience.

Where was I? Oh, right. Serendipity and Mageshwaki. I met Serendipity because she offered an artist's special, a great massage at my place for a reasonable price. Woot! Artist perks...

Then, it became obvious that we had way too much in common to be in a mercantile relationship. So we switched to friends. Which kind of worked... Then we tweaked it and it worked better. Then she met this great guy, and she was busy for a while... (More power to her!) And finally I met him when we all went to a lovely little urban (and urbane) drum circle in south Austin.

So I'm moving, and I'm moving again, and finally I realize- OMG! I am so in need of a massage. And I'm spending all my money on moving... Hmmm. Trade! I invite them over to introduce them to the wonders of four hands massage.

Serendipity gives massage all week, so she goes first, which is perfect. I have alternate life recognition with Mageshwaki, so I feel very comfortable. And I have no idea how odd or sane this whole event feels to him. We start by offering loving touch to Serendipity, both of us able to focus on her while we gently explore our partnership in giving. Very nice.

Then it becomes clear that we only have time left for one more to take a turn. I'm trying to decide how difficult it is to transition to receiving from giving. I offer the time to Mageshwaki. He accepts. Great. I'm happy because he feels comfortable enough. I'm concerned about my continuing pattern of giving more than I get... Well, no time for fretting now. Someone is on the table!

Serendipity and I find a lovely rhythm, matching strokes from either side of the table. Intuition takes over, and I put focus on the areas that cry out. I also notice my state- peaceful. And I take note of the situation, not your average reality unfolding.

Why has it become so easy to love people I hardly know? Here's this guy, not much different that hundreds of thousands of strangers in this city. And the second time I meet him, he's in my living room, receiving generous doses of loving touch from two fabulous healers.

I think about it. I love people. Took a while to get there, to be sure, but it's true now. I love a lot of things, situations, property, stories, animals, places. The list starts to get really long in my head. I cut it short by simplifying the statement. I love. Which brings out a different question~ Why?

And like the blossoming of a delicate flower, the answer opens itself to me. I love because it's easier than doing anything else. Fear, frustration, resentment, anger, worry, even just withholding myself, all of these take way more energy than allowing myself to love. It takes a moment to absorb this insight. I mean, wow.

And then, as if it isn't enough to have one mind bending insight, I have another. You see, I know the universe is a loving and generous place. It has become more and more apparent as I've grown. And all of a sudden, I understand why. As above, so below.

All of nature is expressed in the most efficient fashion. The results created are always with the expenditure of the least necessary energy. The spiritual realms are just as much a part of the natural world, so efficiency is expressed there, too. Follow? I laugh at the simple beauty of it.

Here it is in full color-

The universe
is a loving and generous place
because it is the easiest thing to do,
the most energy efficient,

the most productive thing to do.

The universe is made of love

so it can be easy.


PS And don't worry, they're coming back soon to give me my turn! Purrrrr!