Zander and I watch a show on Nickelodeon, very popular among those in his age range, called Avatar. For the Season Finale, (yeah, it deserves the capitalization...) the main character Aang, went to study with a guru, so he could learn to master his most powerful self. I just love that this went out over Nickelodeon to all the kids of America! And it so delighted me, that I decided to follow the guru's advice for myself.
I started by going to the house of my high self, which is something I've spent time developing with and for the purpose of Re/Transformation.
I had already set the intention, and I was met by my inner elf, the sort from the Silmarillion, who was clearly intending to be my guide through the process. Nice to know my unconscious and superconscious are in support of my will to grow. We hooked arms and went into the room that is just for me. The ceiling there is domed, and can show me anything I want to know about myself.
In the show, the guru said that the first chakra is the chakra of the element of earth and that it is for survival and can be blocked by fear.
So I went to my first chakra, seeing all in shades of red, and I asked to be shown my greatest fears. I saw myself misusing power, and crazy people engaging in random violence. I thought there might be more, but that was it, at least for now. I let them wash away in the truth of not knowing the future, and the trust of the perfection of my unfolding path.
Then he spoke of the second chakra as the element of water, and being for pleasure, it is blocked by guilt.
I sought my second chakra, seeing all in orange, and asked to be shown what I was ashamed of or felt guilty about. This was mostly about Jeff, and leaving a marriage that is for most purposes, and by most standards, a very good marriage. But there were bits about being a perfect parent, too. These I let go by forgiveness and honoring my commitment to my highest principles.
The guru called the third chakra the fire chakra, and it was for will and therefore blocked by shame. I translated that to doubt, because I had already done shame with guilt.
So I went in all yellows to my third chakra and asked to be shown my self doubt. They were multitudinous, but mostly small. These I let go in the light of guidance. That even though I don't know what's best in every moment, I have access to those who do. (Just stand up, and you'll know what to do...)
These first three I did overnight, in the spaces between waking up and going back to sleep. (Which I do too much, but I've got some ideas on how to sleep more soundly. That'll be another post.) The next morning was busy. Actually that was helpful, because it really let me feel the difference between the chakras I had cleansed and the ones I hadn't. It was really light feeling. As if I had been used to a heaviness and it was gone. Like taking off the weight belt when you're done scuba diving.
I had a massage scheduled for the afternoon, so I thought I would work on my fourth chakra then. It turned out that I had enough time to do all the remaining four. I like it when it's easy!
Our fictional guide (remeber that truth is where you find it!) called the fourth chakra the love chakra, and following his pattern, it would also be elemental air, which fit for me, since it's right in there with the lungs. It's blocked by grief.
So all in green I asked to be shown what I still grieved. This result was one of the most surprising to me, being mostly my father as he was when I was very young, and a long list of animal companions. I let these go by seeing love as an energy that recirculates like any other. Also, knowing death to be very different than our culture assumes, it's easy for me to allow for passage. I'll see them again when waiting is filled.
The fifth chakra he called the truth chakra, element of sound, blocked by lies.
In turquoise, I sought out my lies. It was one of the easiest for me, since I let go of lying so long ago. These days, the closest I get to lying is to not correct someone's assumptions, and not very often even then. I just don't like untruth or manipulation. It takes too much energy. So the few things that came up were about myself. Anyway, I let go of my deceptions by renewing my commitment to transparency.
The sixth chakra was described as the light chakra, for vision, and blocked by illusion. And in the show, they talked about the illusion of separateness, that all things are connected...
All in indigo, I asked to be shown my illusions. The biggest one was the remnant of trying to be responsible for the happiness of another. And that any disonance is harmful, instead of serving it's purpose in delineating greater connection to truth and oneness. To release these, I invoked "It is as it is." How can it be any other way?
And finally, the seventh chakra was called the knowledge chakra, blocked by attachment. It was portrayed as cosmic in nature on the show. It reminded me of the Tibetan Buddhist prayer of attaining all knowing so that you can better help people and end suffering.
I went in purples to see what illusions I still cherished. I don't currently remember what I saw. I think I went deeper than conscious work, there. But when I woke up, my massage was over and I felt light all through.
So there it is. If you get a chance to watch Avatar, go ahead; it's a great show. And if you know anyone who owns the discs, then borrow the last one in Book Two and watch Chapter Nineteen of Earth. You know things are getting better when the cartoons are offering effective spiritual guidance.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
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